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Sitewerk Christmas campaign 2022

We give away time and you can have a say!

We would like to thank our customers and partners for their interest, trust and great cooperation.

Sitewerk Team Christmas 2022

The current turbulent time has also made us think . That's why we don't want to give away socks (how cool would Sitewerk socks be 😊) or chocolate this year, but want to pass on something that can help the world at least a little bit .

That's why we decided that we would like to actively support one of 4 carefully selected organizations with the whole team for a whole afternoon .

And the cool thing is, you can have a say in which of the 4 organizations we help with clean-up or repair work, on the visiting day, starting a career or with the preparatory work in the field. Submit your vote by 11:30 a.m. on December 23 and help decide which organization will receive our highly motivated site workers.


Wow! At the end it got really exciting! It was over 550 votes! Now the decision has been made. Our team is given away to the Weltacker in Attiswil for one afternoon. Thank you for your participation.

Result Sitewerk Christmas Campaign 2022

We are happy to present the 4 projects to you:

Langenthal Zoo

The Tierpark Langenthal is a popular destination for young and old. There is always something new to discover. Be it the young animals or the beautiful nature, which has its charm in every season. Since 1979, the animal park on the Hinterberg has covered an area of 30,000 m2. About 80 animals live in loosely structured enclosures. You can observe fallow, sika, red deer and wild boar, pygmy goats and ponies in the wild from mostly dust-free paths. It's great that the animals can be fed. It is an experience for children to feel how gently a deer eats out of their hands.

The Sitewerk team helps in the Langenthal zoo with clearing and repair work in the spacious enclosures.

The Blumenhaus Buchegg: A home for life

The Blumenhaus Buchegg is a place of life, an educational center and a workplace for people with mental, physical or multiple disabilities. With their knowledge, their experience and their hearts, they are committed to helping their residents to lead as independent and self-realized a life as possible. The most important goal: The Blumenhaus Buchegg should be more than just a roof over the heads of the people entrusted to them. It should be a home for life.

On June 30, 2023, the big visiting day will take place. Our team will actively support the Buchegg flower house with the implementation.

Coding & application training for kids- Pro Juventute

The application process is difficult for many students. With the free application training , Pro Juventute offers young people important support and thus facilitates the transition from school to working life. As part of the application training, an individual interview is practiced with each student and the application documents are checked. In a reflective discussion, the trainer discusses the results with the young person and records potential for development.

The Sitewerk team will carry out such application training for young people and, as a holiday pass activity, will also give children and young people a first insight into software development in a playful way.

Weltacker Attiswil

If the world's arable land is divided by the number of people living in the world, that's around 2000 m². Each individual person would therefore be entitled to this area. Everything that feeds and takes care of us must grow on it: bread, rice, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, oil, sugar... and also the fodder for the animals that does not come from meadows and pastures. In addition, cotton for jeans and luxury goods such as tobacco. Is the?

In order to answer this question, a Weltacker has been laid out on the Bleuerhof in Attiswil every year since 2019. On 2000 m2, it reflects to scale which crops are currently being cultivated worldwide and for what purpose.

The world field offers sensual, vivid experiences, invites you to think and discuss. It's about soil and biodiversity, climate change, cycles, natural resources, global justice, agriculture and good food.

The Sitewerk team is helping to prepare the Weltacker in Attiswil in spring so that it will also be available for tours and events this summer and autumn.

Happy voting and have a nice Advent season!

Your Sitewerk team