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ShapeDiver - parametric 3D configurators with Grasshopper

Web-based product configurators from the cloud

Parametric 3D models from the cloud

In today's digital world, companies are looking for innovative ways to offer their customers customized products. The 3D configurators have proven to be an effective tool to meet these needs. With ShapeDiver and Grasshopper scripts, developers can create stunning 3D configurators that give customers the ability to customize and visualize products in real time. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how ShapeDiver and Grasshopper work together to provide a seamless and creative platform for 3D configurator development.

What is ShapeDiver?

ShapeDiver is a powerful cloud-based platform that makes it possible to develop and host interactive 3D configurators. It offers a variety of tools and features that enable developers to create custom 3D configurators that can be seamlessly integrated into websites, e-commerce platforms and other applications.

ShapeDiver Grasshopper

The role of Grasshopper Scripts

Grasshopper is a visual programming editor that is seamlessly integrated with Rhino 3D modeling software. With Grasshopper, designers and developers can create complex algorithms and logic to generate and manipulate 3D models. By integrating Grasshopper scripts into ShapeDiver, developers can extend and customize the functionality of the 3D configurators

Develop impressive 3D configurators

With ShapeDiver and Grasshopper you can let your creativity run free to develop impressive 3D configurators. Here are some ways we can leverage this powerful combination for you:

  • Parametric Modeling: Leverage Grasshopper's flexibility to create 3D models that can be customized based on user input. By defining parameters, customers can select different options and make changes to the models in real time.
  • Logic and rule-based control: With Grasshopper Scripts you can implement complex logic to create dependencies between the configuration options. This allows you to ensure that the options you choose are compatible with each other and provide consistent results.
  • Visualization and interaction: ShapeDiver offers an impressive real-time visualization of your 3D models. By integrating Grasshopper Scripts, you can customize the interaction elements to offer your customers an immersive and intuitive experience.

Benefits of ShapeDiver and Grasshopper

The combination of ShapeDiver and Grasshopper offers numerous advantages for the development of 3D configurators:

  • Ease of use: Grasshopper allows for visual programming without extensive coding, making development easier and increasing efficiency.
  • Flexibility: The parameterization of models and the possibility to implement complex logic offer high flexibility to meet the individual requirements of different projects.
  • Scalability: ShapeDiver allows you to host your 3D configurators in the cloud, ensuring seamless scalability and easy integration into your website or application.

Sitewerk and ShapeDiver - a model for success

Parametric 3D models can be saved and executed in the ShapeDiver Cloud in the form of Grasshopper scripts. But to have a configurator or a 3D web application, you need more. Namely the services of Sitewerk. As a software agency, we have developed a web platform with which complex 3D configurators can be developed together with ShapeDiver. New clients and users can be entered on the platform and the entire product logic of the configurator can be maintained. In addition, your sales team can manage new requests, projects and their configurations in a web interface.

Sitewerk loves Shapdeiver


The combination of ShapeDiver, Grasshopper and Sitewerk opens up fascinating possibilities for the development of 3D configurators. Grasshopper Scripts allow you to integrate custom logic and interactions into your 3D models, while ShapeDiver provides a powerful platform to host your configurators in the cloud and integrate seamlessly with your website. Explore this innovative combination and give your customers a unique, tailor-made product experience.

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