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Your agency for custom CPQ-software solutions

The sitewerk CPQ framework

CPQ-framework for individual configurators

For configurators with outstanding UX! Our Sitewerk CPQ framework was developed with the aim of optimising your configuration, pricing and quotation processes. The framework contains all standard features so that we can focus on exceptional UX and seamless integration for your configurator.

STOBAG 3D Konfigurator
Kuralte Jaecker Terassenkonfigurator
Hess AG Bellach


Why CPQ software from Sitewerk?

Custom Configurator

Our framework is the solid basis for 100% individual configurators.

Individual design and UX

Our configurator UI's are developed individually for each client with a focus on UX.

Seamless integration

Our CPQ-framework can be seamlessly integrated with other IT-systems.

3D visualisation

We use the latest technologies and represent products realistically in 3D.

Simple editable product and rule logic

Ready-to-use rule engine for managing price and product logic.

Modular and scalable

Flexible and extensible microservice architecture from the cloud.


The advantages of a production ready product, the flexibility of custom software

With the Sitewerk CPQ-framework, you have all the advantages of a finished product, but retain the flexibility of a framework or a custom configurator solution. Standard functions such as user management with roles and rights, as well as master data management or the generation of offers, leads and product logics are included in the CPQ-framework. Besides saving costs, you can focus on the essentials and what brings real added value in a configurator project with Sitewerk, such as a configurator UI with individual design and good UX. Or we use all our resources for a photo-realistic 3D visualisation. We can also integrate peripheral systems such as an ERP, a CRM or a PIM with the help of our CPQ-framework. Let's define together what we focus on in the project.

Custom configuration interface with outstanding UX

With Sitewerk's CPQ configurators, we put the user at the centre. In comparison to conventional CPQ-products, user interfaces are not generated, but are specifically thought out, conceived and designed for each configurator. Our CPQ-solutions are therefore easy to use, have an appealing design, adapted to your corporate design and thus create exceptionally positive customer experiences. Since our framework includes all common CPQ features out-of-the-box, we can focus on what counts in the project, namely the user experience.

In our CPQ Admin Interface, you maintain the rules for the price and product logic

Our CPQ-system is designed in such a way that every conceivable product or service can be mapped. It doesn't matter whether it's a piece of sports equipment like a bicycle or the façade of a house. Our system for product and rule logic is generically structured and can be maintained via an administrator-UI. The same applies to generated leads and their configurations, as well as the management of users and their authorisations.

CPQ Sitewerk Software

A fully integrated CPQ-software at the heart of your sales machine

If you want to automate processes and reduce costs, different systems must be seamlessly integrated with each other via interfaces and there must be as few media breaks as possible. This is also the case with CPQ. If CPQ-software is integrated with CRM, ERP and other peripheral systems via APIs, it not only digitises the sales process, but can also generate a productivity boost when preparing production data, documentation or in aftersales. Our CPQ-framework has a service bus that can be used to integrate any API's from all conceivable peripheral systems.

«We are five times bigger than our second largest competitor. One of the main reasons for this was that we had a CPQ-solution from Sitewerk.»

Samuel Beer, COO Helion, AMAG Tochter

Create a 100% Digital Sales Process with 35% Less Cost of Sales with Configurators!

Create a 100% Digital Sales Process with 35% Less Cost of Sales with Configurators!

Have you already thought about using configurators? But don't know how to start... Then download our free guide and learn important key questions from practice.

What advantages does CPQ-software bring to your company?

Efficiency increase and cost reduction

A CPQ-configurator-solution automates the entire quotation process from configuration to pricing and quotation generation. This leads to a significant increase in efficiency, as sales staff can create extensive offers for complex products faster and with less expertise. In addition to reducing the workload of sales staff, partners or customers can even configure products independently and receive an individual quotation for them. Without any prior knowledge.

Avoiding misconfigurations and returns

By automating and standardising the quotation process and a defined product logic with rules and dependencies, a CPQ-solution reduces human error and prevents incorrect configurations or inconsistent in quotations. This has a positive impact on returns or misproduction, which in turn will have a positive impact on costs.

Customer-specific solutions

A CPQ-configurator allows customers to customise products or services according to their individual requirements and preferences. This allows companies to offer customised solutions and thus increase the user experience. Individualisation is a megatrend. Especially for complex and expensive products, configurators and CPQ-solutions have become indispensable.

Digitalisation and automation through integration

A good CPQ-solution can be seamlessly integrated into existing CRM, ERP and e-commerce systems, ensuring a smooth flow of information without media discontinuity. If a customer or sales employee configures a product and generates an offer, a lead is automatically recorded in the CRM. With the help of the configurator data, production data can also be generated in addition to quotations, for example.

Competitive advantage

To prepare a quotation for a complex product, you often need staff with a lot of expertise. Since good staff is often in short supply, customers wait a long time for a quotation. With the help of CPQ-software, customers or sales staff can have customised quotes created within minutes and without any expertise. This fast response time will have a positive impact on the customer experience and can be a decisive advantage over the competition.

Customer loyalty through enthusiasm

Fascinate your customers and offer them a new kind of customer experience through impressive 2D and 3D visualisation. Bring your product to the customer's future destination in a virtual (VR) or even augmented (AR) reality.

The features of the Sitewerk CPQ-framework

Multi-client capable

Our CPQ-system can map multiple clients with products and prices.

Cloud Software

Our CPQ microservices are hosted on Microsoft Azure Switzerland.

Roles and permissions

Single sign-on and fine-grained roles and authorisations.

Web Interface

Configurator and Admin App are accessible from anywhere via the web browser.

Product and price logic

With our Rule Engine, price and product logic can be mapped.


Surrounding systems can be connected via a service bus using APIs.

2D und 3D Visualisations

With the help of our viewer, 2D or 3D product visualisations can be realised.

Lead and project management

Leads, configurations or projects can be managed in the Admin App.

What does CPQ-software do?

CPQ stands for the processes of product configuration, pricing and quotation generation. CPQ-software can be the backbone of an efficient sales process and enables you to configure complex products or services quickly and accurately, set the right prices and create individual quotations.

What does CPQ stand for?

In summary, CPQ stands for "Configure, Price, Quote" and describes the overall process of product configuration, pricing and quoting for complex products or services.

C - Configure (Configuration): It refers to the process of customising or assembling a product or service according to a customer's specific requirements and preferences.

P - Price (Pricing): This step deals with dynamic pricing, where the price of the configured product or service is calculated based on various factors such as configuration options, quantity discounts and special offers.

Q - Quote (Quotation): The final step is the creation of an individual offer for a potential customer. It contains all details about the configured solution, including pricing, delivery terms and other relevant information.

Let's Realize a New Project Together