A 3D offer configurator for the sales staff
3D Visualization, ERP Interface
Jutzler AG
Three.js, WebGL
React, TypeScript
Azure Cloud
tosca ERP (dynasoft AG)
SAP Interface
UX & UI Design
Software Development
3D Modelling
Create individual Cabinets with a 3D Configurator
Offer a complete wall unit including additional furniture in just a few clicks - no problem with the Multi-tenant 3D cabinet configurator from Jutzler!
Learn more about this joint project with our partner dynasoft AG - developer of the ERP Suite tosca!
Sales support for dealers
The leading cabinet specialist, Jutzler AG, develops and produces high-quality products in Switzerland for over 30 countries - all highly automated, precise and fast.
The sales process of the dealers and furniture stores, such as LIVIQUE, Pfister or XXXLutz, is to be supported and optimized in an equally highly automated manner. Thus, we were allowed to conceptualize, design and develop a multi-client capable 3D offer configurator for the company Jutzler.
With this, Jutzler offers its dealers' sales consultants the opportunity to support them during the quotation process and shifts the entire ordering process to its own ERP. In addition, the company gains improved data access to sales figures and product information at its dealers.
PDF offer incl. parts list in just a few clicks
The 3D cabinet configurator offers various configuration modes to configure the complete cabinet, its individual parts or the matching ancillary furniture in a photo-realistic 3D representation directly in the browser - without installation.
The configurator allows sales consultants to create planning folders and save the various configurations created - e.g. per end customer. The user interface is designed in the CI/CD of the respective dealer - such as Möbel Pfister or LIVIQUE.

Sales staff can drag and drop the various cabinet carcasses and corner elements from an administrable 3D model database into the online 3D viewer at stored anchor points. The cabinet can thus be built up step by step and extended as required. The same principle applies to the interior fittings. Here, too, the cabinet elements can be placed in a rule-based manner, from baskets to drawers and rods to entire prefabricated units. For visual support, the user is shown dimensions and green placement aids.
To ensure the performance of the 3D configurator, despite 3D models that are sometimes rich in data and detail, the GLTF(Graphics Library Transmission Format) models (3D file format that stores 3D model information in JSON format) were reduced in their level of detail and optimized via an automatic pipeline. Using this process, Jutzler can independently optimize new 3D models based on their CAD models and upload them to the configurator.
The carcase colors, fronts and handles can also be easily edited and photorealistically displayed in the 3D configurator. The color and texture options, as well as the handle variants, can be administered directly in Jutzler's ERP in the background.
During the entire configuration, the customer-specific article prices per client are retrieved in real time via the tosca ERP interface from Dynasoft and displayed in total.
Depending on the client, SAP was also connected. This enables Jutzler to automate not only the quotation process but also the ordering process and make it more efficient.
As soon as the sales consultant has completed the planning in the 3D configurator individually according to the customer's wishes, the parts list of the overall configuration is displayed.
Here, the offer can be finalized with customer data, such as e-mail, telephone and address, and finally checked. In this step, comments and discounting can be entered before the offer can be exported as an Excel list or as a PDF offer with logo and product visualization.

Create a 100% Digital Sales Process with 35% Less Cost of Sales with Configurators!
Have you already thought about using configurators? But don't know how to start... Then download our free guide and learn important key questions from practice.
Tenant capability and ERP integration - a powerful combination for vertical integration
For this 3D configuration solution, a multi-tenant system architecture was implemented with ERP integration into the highly flexible Tosca ERP from Dynasoft.
Due to the whitelabeling capability of the system, the same configurator can be displayed and played out for different clients in different corporate identities (CI) or corporate designs (CD).
Such multi-client solutions also offer the possibility of vertically integrating the added value to the dealers - such as LIVIQUE, Pfister, Beter Bed (NL) or end customers - while at the same time providing them with better support in creating offers. In terms of data technology - from customer data to product and service regulations - these clients (tenants) can of course be managed completely separately and independently.
This effect is further enhanced with the adaptive tosca ERP, as this integration allows Jutzler to directly influence not only the quotation process, but also the entire ordering process.

Best performance despite detailed 3D model and thanks to automated conversion pipeline
For this 3D cabinet configurator, together with the company Shapediver, a so-called "GLTF-Baker" was developed, which can render the CAD files partially automated for the online configurator into handy GLTF data (3D file format, which stores 3D model information in JSON format). However, for certain objects, such as a grid drawer, it was still necessary to manually touch up and remove polygons to keep the balance between level of detail and file size (performance).
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